We had a quiet Easter: Church followed by Sunday School and a simple lunch for the two of us. A friend stopped by and we invited him to come back for a hot sandwich and lager in the evening. He brought us a beautiful hydrangea. I hope I can keep it going. I love houseplants, especially those that thrive on benevolent neglect.

My Truly Tasha shawl, which I began about March 10, is coming along nicely. I do love garter stitch but after so much of it, I was ready for the lace border. The border is easily memorized, with only 6 rows. Before even starting on the border, I began to get nervous about the yardage for the edging--and who doesn't want an extra skein of Cascade 220 hanging about? So I made a trip to my local yarn shop, Ewe-Nique Yarns, in Morton IL yesterday, not at all influenced by their 20% off Anniversary Sale. Happy 3 year Anniversary! That is a great milestone for a small business. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful selection of yarns and such friendly people. I bought my skein of Cascad
e and Nicky Epstein's Knitted Embellishments: 350 Appliques, Borders, Cords and more! Plus I ordered yarn that was not in stock and the owner applied the 20% off to that also. Totally overwhelmed by the choices, I made my way home and will probably head back there in a day or two with a better idea of what I want to purchase. I really like to have a plan in mind when I make a yarn purchase. If I change my mind later on at least I generally have enough yarn to have many choices. I found that random purchases do not suit me well at all.

At the yarn shop I struck up a conversation with a very nice knitter who invited me to an area meeting of knitters Thursday morning. I'm looking forward to that! It has been a while since I've been a part of a knitting group.