Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Mother Lies about my Age

This morning I pulled the Thornton W. Burgess books off the shelf. I know there are many more in the series but these are the ones that belonged to my father and were then passed along to me. The Adventures of Reddy Fox is the most read and loved book of the trio although I remember them all well. Children's books were stingy with illustrations back then and I savored each one. I also remember reading these books aloud to other children on the bus when I went to Godfrey school. The last year I went to that school was first grade which would have been about 1957. Mom wrote in the front of the book that I had read it 3 times in second grade in 1961. That would have made me 10 years old in 2nd grade. Thanks, Mom.

I believe these books may be the reason I love the woods and fields so much. The characters are so dear, each with its own personality. The woods and fields have names as well. I think I may be searching for more of these books, although I'm sure the older ones command a price.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Lovely books. I wish I had kept more of the ones I had when I was a kid. :)

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