Since this is my personal blog I am going to share what is going on now in our family. My wonderful father has been suffering from Parkinson's Disease. He was diagnosed in August 2010 but it had been going on longer than that. Since the fall he has been rapidly declining. Last week he readily accepted the doctor's offer for hospice care. Hospice has been a huge blessing. Last Friday he was barely able to eat. Since Saturday he has been unresponsive although he did squeeze my hand when I talked to him. Since Sunday there has been no response at all. He has had no food or drink since Friday but he is comfortable. My brother came in on Monday and we are coping as well as can be expected. Our family has always laughed a lot and we manage to do so even now. We know he would want us to remember good times and still have good times. He has said many times that he has had a full life and is ready to move on. Although we know he is not in pain, it is hard to watch him struggle to breathe. We have learned a lot from Dad as he has dealt so graciously with his failing health. Even when it came to the point that full-time nursing care was necessary to keep him at home and there was not much he could do independently, he did not complain. He has even maintained his sense of humor.
Thanksgiving 2010 |
Flight Simulator Game on the computer with Torben. Christmas 2010 |
Nils showing Dad his new book on National Parks, a gift from Pete. |
Nils showing Dad his book. |
So we continue to wait. To listen. To hold his hands and stroke his brow and talk to him. I read Scripture passages to him on Sunday. We cry and we hold one another. Sometimes we tell stories and laugh.
Spring has arrived in Southern Illinois. The dogwoods that Mom and Dad planted are in full bloom. I am looking outside at the fresh colors and listening to the white throated sparrows as they migrate through this area. The song of the white-throated sparrow is one of my favorite bird songs and it is a comfort now.