I have finished 3 projects in the past 3 days: Summit, Tea Leaves Cardigan, and Baby Sophisticate Cardigan. That's me in the photo using Summit as a bug deflector in the dusky evening woods. It's just a wee teaser as Summit is to be gifted soon. Ravelry notes are up.
We almost always have some wind here but today the winds have been unusually strong. Garbage cans and recycling bins were rolling all over the streets. I tried to corral some of the neighbors' cans and pick up some errant garbage but the attempt was somewhat futile as there was so much blowing around. It will all settle down this evening. This morning I drove across the river to get my new glasses adjusted for about the 10th time. Driving home across the bridge, the wind gusts were a little bit scary. I was gripping the wheel with some force to keep the car steady.
It's so exciting to have all my current knitting projects finished. The only unfinished project is Shalom, which I decided to unravel to the armholes for about the 3rd time. If Shalom doesn't work this time, I'm going to use the Ecological Wool for another project. I am enjoying planning the next project. It won't be long before I have one or two projects going.
I'm off to pipeband practice this evening. We're getting ready for our competition season which begins in the middle of May. I'll need a portable knitting project that doesn't require a lot of brain power to take along to the all-day events.
If you live in our currently gusty area of the U.S., hang onto your hat and the fence post when you go out!